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Low credit scores typically mean higher interest rates, and that means higher finance charges on your credit card balances. Repairing your credit would allow you to get a more competitive interest rate and cut back on the money you pay in interest.
Utility service providers and even phone companies check your credit before allowing you to establish service. To offset the risk of a default, those service providers charge you a deposit. Making your payments on time will allow you to get your deposit back. Improving your credit score keeps you from having to pay the deposit altogether.
Believe it or not, your credit affects your insurance premiums. This includes auto, life, and home insurance. A bad credit history means you’ll pay more for insurance than you would if you had better credit.
If you have bad credit, you’ll have a hard time getting a credit card, which means you’ll end up paying cash for everything. It may not be a nuisance until you need to do something like renting a car, where you have to pay an extra deposit if you don’t use a credit card.
Generally, as you demonstrate you can pay your bill on time, your creditors will increase your credit limit. But, a credit card issuer will check your credit score before increasing your credit limit. A bad credit history might get your credit limit cut hurting your credit score even more by raising your credit utilization.
Repairing your credit includes paying off those debt collection accounts. Until you do, you face relentless calls and letters from debt collectors. While you can take action to stop debt collector calls, collection accounts often move from one debt collector to another. When a new collector gets your debt, you’ll have to go through the process of sending letters to stop the calls all over again.
After you repair your credit, you won’t have to be afraid of checking your credit score or worse, having someone else check it. You can have confidence knowing you have a healthy credit score.
Homeownership has always been the American Dream. Bad credit is the nightmare that keeps you from realizing that dream. Many banks won’t lend you a mortgage until you’ve repaired your credit. Those that will approve you with a high interest rate that makes home ownership cost a lot more.
Not only can bad credit keep you from buying a home, it can also keep you from renting an apartment. Many landlords now check credit to determine the likelihood that you’ll be late on your rent. Bad credit could get your rental application denied.
Auto lenders are among the many businesses that check your credit before lending to you. Without a good credit score, your auto loan application could be denied leaving you to drive the same vehicle.
Employers check credit before deciding to hire you. Some government, financial, management, and executive jobs are particularly curious about your financial history. A bad credit history could cost you the job, or the promotion you’ve been working hard to get.
When one spouse has better credit than the other, the spouse with good credit will be the one applying for the loans and credit cards. Improving your credit will let you bear some of the credit-brunt rather than placing it entirely on your spouse.
When you have bad credit, you’ll often need others to co-sign for your loans and credit cards. If you can find someone to co-sign, you’re putting financial pressure on them but they don’t receive any of the benefits. Repairing your credit will save you the time and hassle of burdening someone else with co-signatures.
Starting a new business takes money, so many entrepreneurs rely on small business loans to get their businesses off the ground. Bad credit can keep you from getting the financing you need to start your new business. You’ll have to improve your credit before a bank will give you a loan.
Having bad credit can tempt you to use your child’s credit. You might think you’d never do that but you never know what you’ll do when you’re desperate. Say you have to have electricity turned on, but your credit’s too bad. You could easily rationalize using your child’s credit to have the electricity turned on. Keep your own good credit and you won’t think about exploiting your child’s.
Pay all of your bills on time, every time. This includes your utility bills, mortgage and auto payments, and all of your revolving lines of credit like credit cards. Check your credit report at least once a year. You can find out how to challenge bad information on your credit report here.
Never charge more than 30% of the available balance on any of your credit cards. Banks like to see a nice record of on-time payments, and several credit cards that are not maxed-out. If you are carrying high balances on your credit cards, then make paying them down below 30% a priority. Do use your credit cards – Many people who make mistakes with their credit believe that the best way to fix things is to never use credit again. If you are afraid that you cannot handle your credit cards correctly then the best policy is probably this one: Run only your utility bills on your credit cards each month, and then pay the balance in full by the due date. This ensures that your utility bills get paid on time automatically, and as long as you keep the habit of paying off your credit card balance each month your score will continue to go up. Leave the credit cards locked in a safe or drawer at home.
Keep your accounts open as long as possible – Even if you are no longer charging on the card. The best policy is to keep those unused accounts open, blow the dust off your card every few months to make a small purchase, then pay it off. How long each of your accounts have been active is a major factor in your credit score.
Remember that this all takes time – Following the above steps consistently over a long period of time will increase your credit score and allow you to qualify for better loans and lower interest rates. Repairing your credit score does not happen overnight, so if you do these things for a few months and do not see a large increase in your score, do not give up. They are all habits that you will want to maintain throughout your life, as they will help you to keep your finances and lines of credit under control.
Clean up your past
We work with the credit bureaus and your creditors to challenge the negative report items that affect your credit score.
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We’ll maximize your score so you can achieve your goals and learn how to maintain your awesome credit long after our work is done.
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Every client will need to book a FREE consultation to get started to have their client evaluated, so that a credit consultant can deliver a FREE credit analysis report and quote. Book your FREE consultation now or call 747-296-8185.
Our clients have seen results as fast at 14 days after the correspondence has been finished and been sent out to all the credit bureaus.
Credit Repair Service:
Our credit repair service comes with an initial work fee of $349. Additionally, a $30 fee applies for each negative item successfully removed from your credit report. The $30 fee is only charged once the negative item is removed.
Click here to learn more and sign up!
Hard Inquiry Removal Service:
We offer 24-hour Experian hard inquiry removal + free disputes for Equifax and TransUnion for a one-time fee of $345.
Click here to learn more and sign up!
18+ years of Experience + Knowledge + Dedication which Equuleus Results. We are the best when it comes to utilizing the loop holes in the Fair Credit Reporting Act when it comes down to seeing if a negative mark on your credit is timely, accurate and verifiable all at the same time. We are trusted by thousands of happy customers.
We will guide you through the process from start to finish and prepare all your documents for you. We have a superb knowledge of credit scoring and experience working with creditors and credit bureaus. It may be difficult for an individual to communicate with creditors and bureaus without an adept understanding of their techniques and regulations in place for credit reporting. We have spent a great deal of time learning the laws that will help you to remove negative information on your report, which enables us to offer you a flawless, money back guarantee system.
Items cannot come back as long as the item is current or paid at the time of removal or if the collection is older than three years. This holds true except in very rare circumstances.
With our assistance and document processing, our clients have had great success with bankruptcies, foreclosures, collections, charge-offs, repossessions, medical bills, credit card debt, inquiries, late payments, old addresses, judgments, tax liens and student loans.
Why choose us? With over 18 years of experience, knowledge, and dedication, we deliver Equuleus Results. Trusted by thousands of clients.