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Refund & Cancellation Policy

Refund and Guarantee 

Company guarantee and refund policy shall be understood as the following: To any client that maintains 6 to 9 consecutive months of maintenance service, Express Credit Boost shall guarantee their satisfaction of service

i. Should the client believe they have not received valuable service, an evaluation of the deletions will occur at 6 to 9 months. If over 25% deletion has been achieved, the credit file will be considered satisfied. If the Client was notified prior to signing up that the difficulty of the credit file may render no deletions, if no deletions occur and all avenues were used to obtain deletions, the file is considered satisfied. If all negative items have been challenged each round and disputes have been challenged with the respective credit bureaus, creditors, and collection agencies (respectively and based upon the recommendations of Express Credit Boost), the credit file will be considered satisfied. In addition, the full file and all work performed for the Client will be evaluated to determine if all avenues were used to obtain deletions (within the boundaries of the program paid for).


ii. No refunds will be given to the client after the first round of disputes have been sent out to the credit bureaus under any circumstance. The client receives substantial documentation after sign up with clear details of the process and time frames, as well as an explanation of services during the initial consultation and therefore, a refund will not be given for misunderstanding of the process. The client agrees by signing a contract that timing was specified to be 6 to 9 months and that no guarantee of deletion on any item or in any amount of time was given. Failure to follow instructions pertaining to the refreshing of credit reports VOIDS any and all guarantees. If the Client refreshes the credit report and does so in a manner that’s inconsistent with the timing of disputes or results, a new report will need to be purchased or they will need to wait until a new free report is available. This can also hinder the process of removal and prohibit Service Provider from proving FCRA and FDCPA violations. Failure to maintain consistent monthly payments to creditors and addition of at least 1 negative item to the credit file VOIDS any and all guarantees. Should any new negative information be added to the client’s credit file during the term of the agreement this will VOID any and all guarantees. Failure to maintain consistent and on-time monthly payments to Express Credit Boost during the term of the agreement will VOID any and all guarantees. The addition of any new negative information shall also void any and all guarantees. The guarantee shall be considered satisfied if the client’s credit is improved during 6 to 9 months of maintenance service. 

Cancellation/Refund Policy:

Our refund policy is very simple. You will pay after a negative item has been deleted, removed, updated, improved, or turned positive. Express Credit Boost has a detailed and simplified cancellation policy. You can cancel your contract at any point since we do not offer an annual credit restoration program. Kindly contact us if you feel the need to cancel the contract. 


A client is free to cancel their contract within three days of signing it without incurring any penalty. Any payment made by the client will be returned within 15 days of canceling the contract. 

If you wish to cancel the contract, kindly send the dated and signed cancellation notice to Express Credit Boost at the address at the top of the contract. The setup and document processing fees are non-refundable after the third day of signing the agreement.