90 Day Money Back Guarantee (Credit Repair Program Only)

Our mission is to remove questionable negative information from credit reports. While this process isn’t an exact science, we stand by our clients with a 90-day warranty. If you sign up for Express Credit Boost credit repair program and don’t see any questionable items deleted from your credit within 90 days, you’re entitled to a full refund of the initial work fee which is $349. Keep in mind that this doesn’t guarantee complete credit repair during that period, but you should notice some improvement. To request a refund, please contact your service specialist by phone for identity verification.

The Express Credit Boost money-back guarantee is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Eligibility and Active Participation:

    • Refund eligibility begins after 90 days.
    • You must actively participate in the program during this period.
    • Cancellation or non-payment of the deletion fees within the initial 90 days voids the guarantee.
    • Must keep active credit monitoring service at all times while in the program.
  2. Maintaining Your Credit Profile:

    • Avoid creating new derogatory trade lines on your credit report after program enrollment.
    • Timely payments are crucial as per our agreement.
  3. Identity Verification:

    • Provide proof of identity (e.g., driver’s license, proof of address and social security number) within three days of agreement activation.
  4. Refund Process:

    • Allow Express Credit Boost 30 days from your refund request to review your credit bureaus and account.
    • Refund audits must be requested between days 91 and 120 from your first payment.
    • If you continue beyond 120 days, the right to request a refund is waived.”

Remember, these terms ensure a fair process for both parties. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your service specialist.